In Addition, we will Discuss How to Reset Ancestry Password. You can easily reset the Ancestry account password if you have forgotten it. Click here, and the Ancestry login page will open. Then, you can click the “Forgot Password” link above the box for the password.
The reset Password page will open. You can enter your email address (registered with Ancestry) and click on Continue. You must not close this page while you check your email for the password reset code sent to your email address. Once you copy/note down the reset code, go back to the password reset page and enter the reset code.
How to Reset Ancestry Password
Usually, it takes around 5 minutes to get the code on the email. Never request the reset code repeatedly; you will get many codes in your email, and you will be confused about which code you should use. Always check your email spam folder; if you do not get the code in your inbox in 5 minutes.
Reset Code Is Case-Sensitive
The reset code is case-sensitive, so it is better to copy the code from the email and put it on the password reset page else if you are writing it down, make sure you write it as it is received. The code you receive in your email is good for 2 hours. After 2 hours you may have to request the code once again.
In case you do not have access to your registered email address you can contact us for support on resetting your email address or for further troubleshooting.
Once you enter the reset code, a new page will open to enter your new password in the New Password box and will ask you to confirm the new password. Never be mistaken with the reset code with your temporary password. Create a password between eight to one hundred characters long and must have at least one number and at least one letter or distinctive character.
A Newly Created Password Does Not Work
After resetting the password, if it does not work, you must clear your browser cache and cookies.
Unresponsive Page
In case you click on something, and nothing happens, first try to clear your cache and cookies.
You can contact us if the issue persists. One of the experts will make sure this is resolve at the earliest.
This is how you can reset password with simple steps. If still, you face a problem then contact ancestry tech help and get the best solution within a few minutes. For getting instant help feel free to contact us at +1-888-257-3335. This is our toll-free number and it is open 24/7 so that our customers can call us anytime.
Reset Password FAQ
Answer: If you forgot your ancestry account password then don’t worry click on the forgotten password. As you click on that option a mail is send to your register mail id by creating a new password link. After that, you can easily create a new password.
Answer: If you did not get any mail regarding new password creation then call ancestry support and they will tell you how to reset your password.
Answer: Not able to log into Ancestry, please check your username and password. If you forgot your password, then click on forgotten password after that you can create a new password. If your password and username are correct and still you are not able to log into your ancestry account, then contact ancestry support.
Answer: Go to the ancestry search page from any page of your account and click on the Search tab and click on member search. A list will be display with the related username.