Uploading GEDCOM to Ancestry

This tutorial guides through steps to follow when managing your GEDCOM files and thus enjoying incredible experiences growing and safeguarding your family heritage.  

How to upload a GEDCOM file

Given below are the steps on uploading a GEDCOM file to ancestry. 

Prepare Your GEDCOM File

Logging Into Your Ancestry Account

Go to the Tree Management page 

Upload the GEDCOM File

Confirm and Upload

Review and Edit Your Tree 


You can access your family tree from the trees tab in the navigation menu at the top of your page. 

Can I download a GEDCOM from Ancestry com?

You can actually download a GEDCOM file of your family tree from Ancestry.com. This helps in keeping a backup of the data, sharing with others, and even using it with other genealogy-software. Please note that the downloaded GEDCOM file will have all core facts from your tree with no attached media files like photos or documents. Here is how you can download a GEDCOM file from Ancestry:

Logging Into Your Ancestry Account,

Tree Management Section Access

Initiate GEDCOM Download

Downloading PDF GEDCOM file



In handling files from Ancestry.com GEDCOM, you’ll find lots of value. You will upload your GEDCOM to Ancestry or download it, so it can serve as a backup or sharing tool. Whatever it is, the system has made everything easy, useful, and worth your time.

These steps will help you learn how to move genealogical information from one platform to another, keep data safe, and broaden your research across various platforms and tools. These skills will enable you to manage, share, and grow your family tree confidently as you continue your search for your family history.

In case you experience any trouble during the updating activity or have queries. You can contact Ancestry Tech Help Number at +1-888-257-3335 or live chat.